Post by Kimmeh says HI! on Sept 3, 2008 8:13:07 GMT -5
name here
is a character grade
from school.
name here
is a character grade
from school.
[/color][/font][/center]been roleplaying for how long here and I found this lovely site
through who you found it from. you can contact me on pm as
well as any other messengers you have; if so, list them. I'm also
in charge of other characters.
[/color][/font] [/center]most of my friends call me nicknames. I was born on the
date here and I'm age here years old. I have color
hair and color eyes, and everyone seems too notice my distinguishing features here.
people say that I look a lot like face claim here.
my ancestors come from heritage here. maybe that's
where I get my looks! I'm pretty sure that sexuality is the thing for me[/size]
[/color][/font] [/center]some of my favourite things are: likes here, at least ten.[/color][/font][/blockquote]
but I tend to hate: dislikes here, at least ten.
I think I'm pretty cool, seeing as: strengths here, at least three. some people say I'm:
list weaknesses here, at least four.
you know I have this terrible habit of habits and quirks here.
when I'm in that mood I like turn-ons here. and just so
you know, turn-offs here totally kill the mood!
I don't like to tell people that fears scare the living
nuts out of me. but you know i have plans, one day I'll dreams/goals
if I, or someone else, was asked to describe myself
I guess it would go something like this:
[/color][/font] [/center]I was born to mother's name and father's name[/color][/font][/blockquote]
in birthplace here. it was okay, because my mother was a
job here and my dad was a job here. as for siblings, I've
got number here of them, and here's a little bit about them:and if my life were an autobiography on the new york best seller's list,
then my book would probably go something like this:
[/color][/font] [/center]I want to be a school & clique/sorority/fraternity here. and just so[/color][/font]
you know, I did read the rules, and I can prove it by saying
the secret phrase here. as for a sample of what I can offer, well,
here you go:
category titles are from JOSH RITTER lyrics. this character template was created by AND THE WINNER IS... of WHITE PAGES, although heavily influenced by the JENN AND JOSH (kokamino) productions. do not take off CREDIT only the creator may do so. no redistribution WITHOUT credit or a link
posted in the correct thread at the above website. DO NOT change anything without permission first.[/blockquote]
[font=georgia][center]IMAGE HERE
[SIZE=8][b]name here[/b][/SIZE]
[SIZE=6]is a [i]character grade[/i]
from school[/SIZE][/center][/font]
[center][font=Georgia][SIZE=6][color=0A9E80]LOOK DOWN YOUR STREET FOR ME .[/SIZE][/color][/font][/center][font=Georgia][ul][SIZE=0]hey, I'm [color=FF7B66]name here[/SIZE], and I'm [color=FF7B66]number[/color] years of age. I've
been roleplaying for [color=FF7B66]how long here[/color] and I found this lovely site
through [color=FF7B66]who you found it from.[/color] you can contact me on pm as
well as [color=FF7B66]any other messengers you have; if so, list them.[/color] I'm also
in charge of [color=FF7B66]other characters[/color].
[center] [font=Georgia][SIZE=6][color=0A9E80]I'M ALONE BUT I'M NOT LONELY .[/SIZE][/color][/font] [/center][font=georgia][ul][SIZE=0]hey, my name is [color=FF7B66]full name here[/color], pleased to meet you. although
most of my friends call me [color=FF7B66]nicknames[/color]. I was born on the
[color=FF7B66]date here[/color] and I'm [color=FF7B66]age here[/color] years old. I have [color=FF7B66]color[/color]
hair and [color=FF7B66]color[/color] eyes, and everyone seems too notice my [color=FF7B66]distinguishing features here[/color].
people say that I look a lot like [color=FF7B66]face claim here[/color].
my ancestors come from [color=FF7B66]heritage here[/color]. maybe that's
where I get my looks! I'm pretty sure that [color=FF7B66]sexuality[/color] is the thing for me[/size]
[center][font=Georgia][SIZE=6][color=0A9E80]MAYBE IT'S THIS THING IN MY CHEST .[/SIZE][/color][/font] [/center]
[blockquote][font=georgia][SIZE=0] some of my favourite things are: [color=FF7B66]likes here, at least ten.
[/SIZE] but I tend to hate: [color=FF7B66]dislikes here, at least ten.
[/color]I think I'm pretty cool, seeing as: [color=FF7B66]strengths here, at least three.[/color] some people say I'm:
[color=FF7B66] list weaknesses here, at least four. [/color]
you know I have this terrible habit of [color=FF7B66] habits and quirks here. [/color]
when I'm in that mood I like [color=FF7B66]turn-ons here[/color]. and just so
you know, [color=FF7B66]turn-offs here[/color] totally kill the mood!
I don't like to tell people that [color=FF7B66]fears[/color] scare the living
nuts out of me. but you know i have plans, one day I'll [color=FF7B66]dreams/goals[/color]
if I, or someone else, was asked to describe myself
I guess it would go something like this:[ul]personality here.
at least three GOOD paragraphs
or fifteen DETAILED bulleted points
[center] [font=Georgia][SIZE=6][color=0A9E80]YOU DON'T MAKE IT EASY BABE .[/SIZE][/color][/font] [/center]
[blockquote][font=georgia][SIZE=0]I was born to [color=FF7B66]mother's name[/SIZE] and [color=FF7B66]father's name[/color]
in [color=FF7B66]birthplace here[/color]. it was okay, because my mother was a
[color=FF7B66]job here[/color] and my dad was a [color=FF7B66]job here[/color]. as for siblings, I've
got [color=FF7B66]number here[/color] of them, and here's a little bit about them:[ul]names, ages and professions here
[/ul]and if my life were an autobiography on the new york best seller's list,
then my book would probably go something like this:[ul]history here.
at least five GOOD paragraphs
or twenty detailed bulleted points.
[center][font=Georgia][SIZE=6][color=0A9E80]I FEEL I'M OWED SOME JOY .[/SIZE][/color][/font] [/center]
[blockquote][font=georgia][SIZE=0] I want to be a[color=FF7B66] school & clique/sorority/fraternity here[/SIZE]. and just so
you know, I did read the rules, and I can prove it by saying
[color=FF7B66]the secret phrase here[/color]. as for a sample of what I can offer, well,
here you go: [ul]roleplay sample here.
must be RECENT and an AVERAGE POST.
not the longest one you've ever done, thanks.
[font=georgia][SIZE=0]category titles are from JOSH RITTER lyrics. this character template was created by [url=]AND THE WINNER IS...[/url] of [url=]WHITE PAGES[/url], although heavily influenced by the JENN AND JOSH (kokamino) productions. do not take off CREDIT only the creator may do so. no redistribution WITHOUT credit or a link
posted in the correct thread at the above website. DO NOT change anything without permission first.[/SIZE][/font][/blockquote]